Tuesday, October 14, 2008

God's Blessings

Avery is 8 months old now and pulling up. She has a crazy army crawl...meaning she pulls herself around on her belly, except she pulls with one arm and pushes with one leg! It's not pretty, but it sure does get her around. She does not sit still and will stand up using anything and everything she can. With one top tooth showing, she is sure enough a "snaggle tooth" , but the cutest snaggle tooth there is! No, we're not biased.
Working and being a mom is quite a challenge. Not because I don't feel like I can be good mom, or do both at the same time, but because I really want to be home with Avery during the day. She is so much fun and I don't want to miss anything!
I guess life with always be full of questions and choices to make. What should I be doing? What am I really good at? Who do I want to be when I grow up? Yeah, yeah, I'm almost 30 but I still don't feel like a grown up. Will I ever? I just feel like a little kid playing house! Some days I'm better at the game than others. I'm sure it will always be that way.
I guess we should never question things though. God has a plan and has truly blessed our lives with great families, a beautiful daughter, precious pups, a home, cars to drive, food on the table, and clothes on our backs. When life seems overwhelming we should stop and look at our blessings. God is good and we should be always be thankful.

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