Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer 2010

What a fabulous summer we've had! We started off with a great trip to the beach with the Twelkemeier family. Lori and I road down with the little ones together. Our trip started out with poop in the hair and ended at the beach house with an almost nose.'s a good thing the rest of the trip was better. Lots of pool time with the kiddos and yummy dinners at night. The guys fished during the day and had a great catch.
Next, I had a fun girls' trip to Charleston with some wonderful friends. We had the best time--good friends, good food, and shopping--what more could a girl ask for (except for minus the credit card bill :)--don't read this Gary!)
For the 4th, we headed to the river, south Georgia, with my parents. Again, a fabulous time. Fishing for the guys and beaching for the girls! Mom, Avery, and I rented a Surrey on Jeckyll one day and had fun. We thought we'd want it all afternoon, but ended up racing to get it back after an hour...too tired to pedal that thing all afternoon :)
We are so blessed to be a part of such wonderful families. Not only do we get along, but we have a great time together. God continues to bless our little family in many ways!

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