Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yep...I'm definitely not good at this blogging thing! Avery is now 19 months old. Time has flown by! She is running around everywhere and talking like crazy. She started Mother's Day Out twice a week. I'm not sure who it's been hardest on...Avery or Gram! It's been a bit of a rough start, but it's a good thing. School has begun and I am teaching 3rd grade. It has been a challenge thus far but I love my kids and like this grade. We had a great summer and look forward to a good fall. Today is the first Georgia game and we are enjoying it with family in Alabama. Avery is enjoying her cousins so much!
Gary and I became an aunt and uncle last week! Tucker Michael Twelkemeier was 7 lbs. 10 oz. and he is too cute! He looks just like his daddy, but I see his mommy in him too! We are so excited that he is here. I have been waiting to be an aunt for so long and I can't believe he's here. He had an infection and had to stay in the hospital for a week, but he is home now and doing well. I don't think he is giving mommy and daddy much sleep or rest, but do any babies??? Those first weeks are so hard! He is a blessing and I can't wait for he and Avery to meet! Hopefully soon...we're giving him a little time to adjust to his new world!

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