Saturday, December 15, 2012

Today I am thankful for laundry.

Thursday, December 13, 2012, there was a mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. It was at an elementary school.

20 children. Ages 6 and 7. Dead.
7 adults. Dead.

I have so many personal connections to this situation.

First, I am a teacher. I am with precious children every day. I teach them. I love them. I would protect them.

Second, I have taught many students with Aspergers Syndrome and the news has reported that the shooter may have Aspergers Syndrome. I pray that my daily interactions with all of my students will be positive and make a difference in their lives.

Third, and most dear to my heart is that I am a parent. Next year, I will send my precious first child to public school. I will send her with the hope that she will be safe and come home to me at the end of the day. I am reminded today that we are not promised tomorrow. We are not even promised our next breath. We are, however, promised hope in Jesus. That He died on the cross for our sins that we may be saved and have ever-lasting life. I will one day meet these children, whose sweet little lives ended too soon, and I take comfort in knowing that this week they got to hug Jesus.

Tonight, as I began to think about my day tomorrow, I realized that I will be doing laundry. Lots of laundry because I am not even through with the laundry from last weekend. And as I began to think about the piles of laundry, I wanted to huff and feel sorry for myself and maybe even do a little eye roll (you know you've done it)! But then, as I thought about this senseless tragedy in Connecticut, I suddenly realized how thankful I am for dirty laundry. Crazy thankful. So thankful that my heart hurts. You see, piles of dirty laundry means that the people that I love are here. They are here to wear clothes. They are here to change outfits fifteen times a day. They are here to spill yogurt on their shirts. They are here to pull the freshly folded laundry off the bed onto the floor. You see...that is just it...THEY...ARE...HERE. And I am so thankful.

So I decided tonight to think about the things that I am thankful for in our messy little house...

1. I am thankful for dirty laundry.
2. I am thankful to clean milk off of the floor.
3. I am thankful to clean out that sticky, yucky highchair.
4. I am thankful to cook green beans just to have them thrown on the floor.
5. I am thankful to be whacked in the face by a cute 20 month old.
6. I am thankful to have a sore neck because I have been used as a jungle gym.
7. I am thankful that the house is never quiet.
8. I am thankful to buy diapers.
9. I am thankful to answer 1,000 questions a minute.
10. I am thankful to say, "Did you hear me?" and to have to count, "1, 2, 3" in order to get anyone to listen to me.

You see...these things that seem like little daily annoyances are really just reminders that our loved ones are HERE to love. And for that I am thankful.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Swimming Lessons and Puppies

Soooo...swimming lessons started this week! We have had 2 and they've not been all that great. Avery is not a big fan of putting her head under water or being in the water without clutching to someone. This makes it difficult for one to learn how to swim! We practiced this morning in the bathtub and she was doing a great job putting her head under the water. Then lessons today were a flop. They started out great and she was showing her teacher what we had practiced...then, tears, tears, and more tears. The tears were from Avery, AnnaLee, Mine came later, but at one point they were both crying and I was sure glad I had my sunglasses on because my eyes were welling up with tears! I held it together until we got in the truck. I just want Avery to be able to swim and not be so scared. I want her to try and trust that we won't let anything happen to her. After posting on facebook I learned that we are not the only ones going through this and we are definitely not the first. I knew this, but it really helps to hear it from others too. Being a momma is tough! I keep wondering if I'm parenting the right way. Am I too much of a pushover? Am I too tough? Do I play enough with the girls? Should I sign Avery up for more activities? etc, etc. The question is, what is the right way to parent? I guess the only right answer to that is with love. I was talking to a friend of mine tonight (one who I miss dearly!!) about parenting. There are so many books out there that say do it this way or do it that way. How confusing it all is! We determined that the answer is to listen, get good ideas, try out what you like, scrap the rest, and trust your gut as a mother. The biggest discovery my girlfriend and I had today was that since we are so worried about parenting the right way it just means we truly love our children and THAT my friends is the most important part! So have decided that I am just going to do the best I can, pray that God shows me the best way to parent my 2 girls, and not worry. I'll let you know how I'm doing on that later!

The next biggest thing going on with us is the approach of the puppies! Dixie, our newest pup, showed up on our porch about a month and a half ago. Well, she actually walked in the front door. After a little water and food, the dog knew she'd found a good place and NEVER LEFT! After discovering she had heartworms and deciding we would treat her for them, we then discovered she was pregnant. We can feel the pups moving around and we now think the pups are very close to getting here. She did not eat tonight and is acting a little strange. I'm ready to get the little guys here so that we can make sure they are healthy, make sure Dixie is healthy, and settle back into a semi-normal life! Having a random (yet very lovable) dog take over your dining room and force you into reading about delivering puppies changes your everyday life a little. I guess she didn't force us...we made the decision (even though our family thought we were crazy!) and we're going with it. The truth is though, I wouldn't do it any differently. She's been a blessing in our lives and I think God intends for us to make some memories and do a little learning from this situation. And that we will do!

God is good and we are so blessed...swimming lessons, pups, and all!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

AnnaLee Elizabeth

On March 9, 2011 at 6:26 p.m. we welcomed our newest addition...AnnaLee Elizabeth Twelkemeier. She is beautiful!! She weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. Like her sister she had a head full of hair. This delivery was much easier than the first...I didn't even know you could feel that good after having a baby! I immediately said, "I can do this again!" That lasted until about the third day of sleep deprivation began to set in :)

The name AnnaLee came from her Daddy, Gary Lee. The cool thing is that it is also the middle name of her grandfather, and great grandmother! Just like Avery Anne, we had to put some family in there because we have such a sweet one.

AnnaLee also had reflux which has been a bit of a challenge. She is on medicine for it now and we're hoping she will grow out of it in the next couple of weeks. She is 10 weeks old today and is trying to hold her head up better and is talking to us! Well, it's not really talking, but it's the sweetest little cooing you've ever heard. She is rolling from her back to her side and back over again. Last night she slept through the night...well, 10:00 to 5:00, which is a good night's sleep in my mind.

Avery has adjusted nicely to her little sister. At the beginning, she was very honest by telling me, "I love my baby sister, but I don't like her when you hold her." And that was the truth! I think she still feels that way a little bit, but she has definitely begun to take on the big sister role by finding her passy, telling her it will be ok, and just today she laid down beside her to calm her down. These girls are the sweetest and make me incredibly happy. I asked Gary this week if he thought our hearts could hold all the love we have for them. I love them so much sometimes it hurts!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer 2010

What a fabulous summer we've had! We started off with a great trip to the beach with the Twelkemeier family. Lori and I road down with the little ones together. Our trip started out with poop in the hair and ended at the beach house with an almost nose.'s a good thing the rest of the trip was better. Lots of pool time with the kiddos and yummy dinners at night. The guys fished during the day and had a great catch.
Next, I had a fun girls' trip to Charleston with some wonderful friends. We had the best time--good friends, good food, and shopping--what more could a girl ask for (except for minus the credit card bill :)--don't read this Gary!)
For the 4th, we headed to the river, south Georgia, with my parents. Again, a fabulous time. Fishing for the guys and beaching for the girls! Mom, Avery, and I rented a Surrey on Jeckyll one day and had fun. We thought we'd want it all afternoon, but ended up racing to get it back after an hour...too tired to pedal that thing all afternoon :)
We are so blessed to be a part of such wonderful families. Not only do we get along, but we have a great time together. God continues to bless our little family in many ways!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Avery's New Christmas Dress

Christmas 2009

What an awesome Christmas! God has blessed us so much with a precious daughter, great family, good friends, a home, jobs, and many other blessings. This is a good time of year to stop and reflect on all of the great things in our lives.

Avery is 22 months old...almost 2 years! Where has the time gone? She's a little mess. She is definitely an Allen and a Twelkemeier. Her hard-headed, stubborn streak is showing a little and she knows exactly how and when she wants things done. That's okay though...she's her own little person and we love her! She makes us laugh daily with her sayings and doings! Her new phrase, "I made it" now makes my heart skip a beat...until I see how bad the damage is! Today she used all of our stamps to decorate an envelope..."I made it!" And then she emptied an entire jar of vaseline and spread it all around...fabulous! These are the memories that we will cherish and laugh at in the future.

I found out this weekend that I'm going to be an aunt again! Well, not techniquely an aunt, but an aunt nonetheless! My cousin and his wife are expecting their first child. Early August is the due date and we are all so excited! It is so much fun to see our families grow!