Wednesday, May 18, 2011

AnnaLee Elizabeth

On March 9, 2011 at 6:26 p.m. we welcomed our newest addition...AnnaLee Elizabeth Twelkemeier. She is beautiful!! She weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. Like her sister she had a head full of hair. This delivery was much easier than the first...I didn't even know you could feel that good after having a baby! I immediately said, "I can do this again!" That lasted until about the third day of sleep deprivation began to set in :)

The name AnnaLee came from her Daddy, Gary Lee. The cool thing is that it is also the middle name of her grandfather, and great grandmother! Just like Avery Anne, we had to put some family in there because we have such a sweet one.

AnnaLee also had reflux which has been a bit of a challenge. She is on medicine for it now and we're hoping she will grow out of it in the next couple of weeks. She is 10 weeks old today and is trying to hold her head up better and is talking to us! Well, it's not really talking, but it's the sweetest little cooing you've ever heard. She is rolling from her back to her side and back over again. Last night she slept through the night...well, 10:00 to 5:00, which is a good night's sleep in my mind.

Avery has adjusted nicely to her little sister. At the beginning, she was very honest by telling me, "I love my baby sister, but I don't like her when you hold her." And that was the truth! I think she still feels that way a little bit, but she has definitely begun to take on the big sister role by finding her passy, telling her it will be ok, and just today she laid down beside her to calm her down. These girls are the sweetest and make me incredibly happy. I asked Gary this week if he thought our hearts could hold all the love we have for them. I love them so much sometimes it hurts!